Annual Awards

Awards Information & Nominations

The AZPE Annual Awards program is designed to share the best of Arizona in education. Please review the categories for nomination below. The application will close on March 31, the committee will make determinations by April 15 and awardees will be recognized during late April and early May.

Outstanding Teacher

This teacher inspires students to be their best by having high expectations for their students, herself or himself and exemplifies the following:

  • Demonstrates strong subject matter expertise, classroom management, excellent instructional skills and is respected by their colleagues

  • Possesses a high degree of student rapport and involvement with students in their educational journey

  • Volunteers for extracurricular activities which may include after-school clubs, committees, etc.

  • Supports other educators in finding resources, and being proactive in working with new teachers

  • Creates an open door policy for colleagues and students. Mentoring new teachers

Ambassador Award

The Ambassador Award goes to a person who is a shining example of a school volunteer who gives of their time and energy to showcase what is RIGHT about education in AZ. This award is for school or district volunteers only.  They are a role model to others and encourage others to support education. Qualities and actions of this person may include:

  • Supports school initiatives in the community

  • Creates partnerships between organizations and the school or district.

  • Engages in positive community experiences that enhance the school environment.

Rookie of the Year Teacher

The educator receiving this award must be a first year teacher and demonstrate all or most of the following:

  • Inspires students to be their best by having high expectations for their students and himself or herself

  • Demonstrates strong content knowledge and classroom management

  • Is well-respected by their colleagues

  • Shares new technologies and methodologies with colleagues

  • Exemplifies a positive attitude, open to learning school policies and creating opportunities for students to be enthusiastic about their learning and education journey

  • Is passionate, collaborative, fair and consistent, organized

Community Partner Award

This company, non-profit or organizations connects their school to the community around them. Faith-based organizations are also eligible

  • Creates meaningful and positive connections between the entity (business, non-profit or organization) and the school or district

  • Provides for the needs of the students and teachers who are part of the local school community 

  • Examples of support may include mentoring, clothing and food donations, or tutoring

Unsung Hero Award

The Unsung Hero works behind the scenes to ensure student success. The awardee can be any employee or volunteer of the school or district. This award is open to classified staff (janitorial, maintenance, bus drivers, administrative assistants, library technicians, nurses and volunteers, etc.)

  • Inspires others around them to be better by offering help and support whenever and wherever needed

  • Provides support to school staff and/or initiatives

  • Works diligently with other team members who may be more visible in their role (i.e. volunteer for an event, support the band, help in the front office, etc.)

Administrator of the Year

This administrator truly makes a difference on his/her campus or within his/her district. Membership is not required to receive this award. We encourage considering a school principal, vice-principal, dean or director-level staff member within the school district. Qualities of this Administrator should include:

  • Empathetic and aware of how to support team members along with working side-by-side with them to help resolve workplace challenges

  • Builds relationships with staff, community, and students

  • Provides support to teachers, staff, office staff, coaches and any other employee of the school

  • Has a positive vision, leading and directing initiatives, including student projects and programs for school

  • Demonstrates flexibility, organization, and being proactive

  • Is visible on campus, as a positive influence, to both staff and students 

  • Empowers staff on campus to lead with resources and support

  • Has high expectations of himself or herself and promotes accountability among all team members